It's raining all the last day here
But the roses are blooming
and all green is very green
Mint "After eight" is simply deliciousist.
einfach köstlich ist Minze "After eight"
мята "After eight"- это просто восхитительно
My darling sweet peas has got his place in garden and i hope is satisfied with it.
Do you see this little blue crumbs? It's a feast for the snails. The year before, they ate almost all of my dahlias.
Sehen Sie die kleine blaue Krümel? Es ist ein Fest für die Schnecken. Im Jahr zuvor, aßen sie fast alle meine Dahlien.
Вы видите, эти маленькие синие крошки? Это угощение для улиток. В позапрошлом году они съели почти все мои георгины.
Your rose is sooooo beautiful!! And, I didn't know about feeding crumbs to the snails to save the flowers. How very clever. Those sweetpeas are going to be beautiful. I hope you will share them with us when they bloom. blessings ~ tanna
AntwortenLöschenIt was a bad joke. Actually Pellets eliminate the snail.
AntwortenLöschenTanna, i'll make a lot of Photos of the sweet peas if they bloom, for sure.
Have a nice weekend!